After reading Mr. Hanson’s article about the protests by Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party, I would have to disagree with the statement that both groups are a bunch of whiners. Although he has a valid point in saying we, as Americans, expect too much and complain about things that are luxuries, I believe each political side as a right, and is right, to express their opinions about the current status of our nation.
I think most would agree with the fact that OWS and the Tea Party are simply fighting for what they believe in as individuals. They obviously have different paths of reaching their goals but their goals are the same when it comes down to it. They want a better, healthier country, especially economically. They know what our country was once capable of and they want to get back to it. The Tea Party is all about the core beliefs coming from the Constitution where the people are in charge. OWS fights for the rights of the people as well by going against big corporations to spread the wealth. Hanson says we have so much more than we had many years ago and of course that’s true, but who says in this modern day that the people don’t deserve more than we once had.
As I stated before, I believe these two movements are just expressing their opinions on how to improve this country. Why would Mr. Hanson say any American could be deprived of that right, freedom of speech? At the end of the article Hanson says, “A whinier West will just keep blaming others as their good life slips away.” They can’t be blamed for wanting a better life for themselves and if that means protesting against a big government or bank, that’s what they must do.
Another thing that bothered me about this article was that I felt throughout that Hanson did not understand either side or what they’ve had to go through. As of late, there has been a lot of economic struggle in America. People have realized they cannot stand by idly and watch as their country turns to turmoil and they must fight to get to its’ highest potential. I can’t say I know Mr. Hanson’s economic status but maybe if he had lost a lot like many of these protesters have, he would be able to understand their positions better.
I don’t believe either of these groups can be classified as whiners for these previous reasons. In the modern day America, you can’t take anything for granted and Americans are realizing they need to speak up for what they believe in. The Tea Party may want things to go back to what the Constitution originally declared for this country and Occupy Wall Street would like to move forward and, “fight back against the richest 1% of people that are writing the rules of an unfair global economy,” but I think they both deserve to protest these ideas.