Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mitt Romney's Campaign Adviser

            For the past year, Mitt Romney has been competing with fellow Republicans for the ultimate candidate of this party. He has fought to win as many states as possible by giving explanations of how he is better than Santorum or Gingrich for the role of taking on Obama for President. But know his mindset has to shift. Instead of taking votes away from people with similar beliefs and ideas, he must take on a Democrat who has already defeated a Republican for presidency by 365 to 173 electoral votes. He must know think, what can I do to beat Obama.

            Because Obama is African American and most minorities sway to the Democratic side throughout this country’s history, I don’t think this would be an area to focus on for Romney, unless he picks a Hispanic vice president. Instead, try to win a certain age group. I feel his first mission should be to gain as many older voters as possible. In the past, this is usually a group that leans Republican, but in the last election between Obama and McCain, McCain only won 51% of their vote. Not only is this a good group to win because they usually vote Republican, but they also are the most determined to get out and vote. Whether it takes advertisement on soap opera channels or channels that replay older shows all the time, this is a group Romney should dominate!

            The next group he should focus on is men. Again, a group that usually fits the Republican mold but in the most recent election was very close. In fact, it was 49% supporting Obama and 48% supporting McCain. If Romney wants to compete with Obama this would be a good group to get. Put a few ads on ESPN or attend some baseball games over the summer. Just by “showing up” in a man’s daily life could get them to sway back to what their history has shown us.

            The final group that could ensure a win for Romney if he can first win them is another age group. A group that predominately votes Democrat but also a group I believe could be easily targeted. It is the 18-29 range but also the first time voters which usually come in this range. By pushing Obama’s numbers back in these categories, who won with 66% and 60% in the last election, could be a big victory for Romney. They are easy enough to target, with their use of social media and particular events that appeal to a younger audience, and they might not completely know where they stand politically yet. Therefore, if Romney spends some time targeting this group, he could do great damage to Obama’s followers.

            With the fight for presidency sure to take a sudden, and at times unrelenting, launch, it is time for Mitt Romney to get a head start. Sure he could simply make attack ads against Obama and win over the voters he already has, but if he attempts to get voters that backed Obama in previous years, that could spell out a victory.

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