Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Similarities Between Republicans and Democrats

Although it’s a politician’s goal to make you see the difference from one party to another, there are some things they can’t get around. They do disagree and have different solutions to most things but they find common grounds when it comes to some broader topics. After dissecting this image for any similarities, I found that their general view of the country, their expectations of the following generations and what a community should be based, are comparable in nature.

            One of the greatest similarities Republicans and Democrats have in common is their belief that our country is not currently in a good position. They both want to see change. Sure, the Republicans have a more traditional outlook and think that the past is the way to improve, and Democrats have a progressive view in which they look towards the future to change.  But the fact is that they want change. When you don’t look so much to how they are going to get to this new status, but more what they want to get to, you can see a common interest.

            Another noticeable resemblance of these two parties is that they expect children to create relationships with adults based on respect and the adults want these children to grow up strong in a society based on their parties’ beliefs. They know the significance of the up and coming generations to continue the support to a certain party. Although this may seem what any person would want of their children, to grow up strong with good careers, but the importance is that there are ideas of how to raise children that coincide with Republicans and Democrats.

            The last thing I found out of this graphic that shows donkeys and elephants have something in common is that they both agree a community based on either ethics or morals is best for this country. Ethics and morals are not completely the same but the difference between them is minor. This, taken directly from the image, proves that each group’s base ideas have common ground. Whether everyone in each party follows this concrete principle is obsolete for my cause of proving Republicans and Democrats do have similarities.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting article. You brought up really good points about both groups. :)
